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Terms of Service

Confirmation Before Using the Service

Please carefully check the service list before purchasing to ensure it includes the service you need (for example, we do not provide Telegram or some other services).

Please note that some services (such as Google, etc.) may have uncertainties in service interruption due to their risk control measures.

Activation Process

Obtaining a Phone Number

1. Select Service and Country Code: Choose the service and country code you need from the left menu.

2. Get Phone Number: Click the "Get Phone Number" button.

3. Send SMS: Use the selected phone number to send an SMS to receive the verification code in the "Order Information" form.

4. Receive Verification Code: The verification code will be displayed next to the corresponding number. Once received, the order will be automatically completed.

5. Waiting Time: The maximum waiting time is 15 minutes.

Activation Fee

  • The standard activation fee is 8 beans. Prices may be adjusted according to market conditions without prior notice.

Unused Number

  • If the selected phone number is not used (i.e., "Get Number" is not clicked), no beans will be deducted.

Operation History

  • Your operation history will be saved in your account and can be viewed in "Order Information". Please note that once created, activation history cannot be deleted.

Verification Code Reception Issues

  • Not Receiving Verification Code: If you fail to receive the verification code, please click "Cancel Service" to cancel the order before the remaining time ends.
  • Order Cancellation: After the order is cancelled, the paid fee will be returned to your account.
  • Timeout Without Cancellation: If the verification code has been received or the remaining time has expired, the order cannot be cancelled.

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

You understand and agree that no refund option is provided after purchasing the service.

Legal Compliance

When using this service, you promise to comply with all relevant laws and regulations and ensure that the service is used only for legal purposes.

Account Responsibility

You are responsible for all operations performed on your account, including but not limited to any actions that may lead to account blocking.

Prohibited Behavior

It is forbidden to exploit system vulnerabilities for fraud, destruction, or other illegal activities.

Account Freezing

For security reasons, we reserve the right to freeze accounts if there has been no activity for six months or if the system detects suspicious or illegal third-party activity.

SMS-Act - Global Leading Online SMS Verification Platform