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Service or number not available

Service or number not available

  • Due to recent shortages in number resources for this service in a short period;
  • Considering the high failure rate of receiving verification codes for specific services, we have decided to temporarily disable the service to protect your interests;
  • Due to constraints from relevant policies and regulations, we may suspend or terminate the provision of the service.

Note: We will add or suspend certain services and numbers periodically based on business needs and changes in the external environment, without separate notification. Additionally, before purchasing a service, please carefully review the service list to ensure it includes the service you need. Once purchased, we do not offer refund options.

Unable to receive verification code

Unable to receive verification code

  • Your number may have been restricted by the service provider or website due to frequent use for the same service in a short period. In this case, while the number may still be valid for some services, it may no longer be usable for others. We cannot monitor the status of each number in real-time, so we cannot guarantee that all numbers will successfully receive verification codes at any specific time, but this does not mean that all numbers or services are unavailable. Solution: Please be assured that you can choose to cancel the activation, and the corresponding fee will be refunded to your account. Afterwards, you can try purchasing other numbers to continue the operation.
  • Many services have strict requirements for users' network IP addresses. For example, some services may not provide services to IP addresses from certain countries or regions. Therefore, to complete the registration process, ensure that you are using an IP address from a country or region allowed by the service. Solution: Ensure that the network IP you are using is within the supported range of that service.

Note: The activation operation will be considered as using a paid service. If you receive the requested verification code, the service is considered completed. If you do not receive the verification code, please choose to cancel the operation within the valid time, and the corresponding beans will not be deducted and will be automatically refunded to your account.

Received number reported as already used and unable to register

The received number may be reported as already used and unable to register. Here are the relevant explanations:

  • Number recycling mechanism: Operators and suppliers recycle used numbers and put them back into the market. This means that these numbers may have been used to register for certain services. As we cannot distinguish whether these numbers are newly allocated or recycled, there is a risk that the numbers have already been registered.
  • Service availability: Some numbers may have already been registered for specific services but are still available for other services. We cannot conduct comprehensive service registration tests for each number, so we cannot guarantee its availability for all services.
  • Risk warning: Since we cannot verify the historical usage of each number individually, when you use our numbers to register for internet services, if prompted that the number has already been registered, please cancel the receiving operation immediately. In this case, you will not be charged and can still choose numbers from other countries/regions to try, or receive other services.

Special note: If you have questions about or disagree with the above situations, please do not purchase our services. Once purchased, we do not offer refund options.

Account restricted

Account restricted

  • Attempting and canceling a large number of numbers in a short time manually or through automated programs;
  • Using crawler technology to illegally obtain website information;
  • The services used or suspicious behavior is determined by the system or relevant departments to be for illegal purposes.

Note: We strongly recommend that you read the "Website Policy" in detail and strictly comply with all laws and regulations.

SMS-Act - Global Leading Online SMS Verification Platform